My Own Background:

AKA: Why you might take into consideration what I have to say ;)


As far as DoD goes, I have been around since about 1.3. I played DoD when it first came out but honestly couldn't get into it. I was too obsessed with Frontline Force and Counter-Strike (gasp!) at the time. Then, once I heard a new version had come out, I decided to give DoD a try again. I loved it this time though and I've been hooked ever since. I used to play other games, but now I only play DoD. Therefore, I finally got the time to write a guide to it like I have been meaning to for quite some time. I've noticed that for other MODs and games out there, there are so many guides that one can hardly keep track of them. But, no one has really released a good guide for DoD. Don't get me wrong molotov_billy or Curator, your DoD manual helped me out a lot and is a great guide, but for advanced play and for true understanding of the game and it's basic fundamentals, there's nothing out there. Hence, I decided to take it upon myself to inform the masses of how to actually do well at this game.

That's a little background as to why this guide was created, but, why should you listen to me? Well, because, *sigh* I'm not a conceded person by any means so it pains me to say that I'm just damned good at the game. Since 2.0 has been released I have had two games, on packed servers, where I've amassed over 100 points (I don't say kills, because their not kills) on a couple of different occasions with a minimal amount of deaths. These points were received through frags and through capturing points within the game. I've been called a cheater before, that's true, but I don't cheat. Leave it to CS to do the cheating. I've been playing with clans and various squads for years in FPS games and know how teamwork should really, well, work. I also know how to deathmatch. I'm talking racking up the kills, not playing the game itself. I started playing Wolfenstein and Blakestone 3d and moved to Doom and Doom 2, then Quake, then QTF, then Quake 2, then HL, then HL: TFC, then HL: CS, then HL: FLF, and now, HL: DoD. As you can see, there's a history of FPS games in my past that would lead me to have the knowledge to know a little bit about what I'm doing when there's a gun on my screen and an enemy in front of me.

Please, don't mistaken this page at all for an ego-stroke because it's not meant to be. I do well at the game and I want others to also do well. 2.0 has offered numerous changes in the way DoD has to be played. Changes to weapons, maps, and the style and speed of play have caused the game to become new to even the most seasoned veterans. We're not in Kansas anymore guys, but maybe this guide can be a map to bring you back home.


